Google, as a well-known internet search engine, recently launched Lively, new social networks based on the concept of each user's personal avatar and virtual space can be built anywhere on the Web. In essence, Google is trying to create a massive distributed virtual world where every account Google, may own avatar can be used where there are animated virtual space - such as blogging, social network profile, or Web pages.
Lively is Google's answer for 5 years site, Second Life, where people use animated Alter Ego known as avatars to navigate through virtual reality. Since it's a web-based service, it looks like Lively is an IMVU competitor.
Lively believes Google recommends more people to immerse themselves in the realities, because they do not relate to the site like Second Life, and it free to use.
To join Lively, you have to download and install Lively application.At the moment, Lively application will only work with Windows Vista/XP and Internet Explorer or Firefox installed in it.
If you wanna give a try, just enter Lively.
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