NokiaTheme White Black by LA - Nokia N97 and 5800 Xpress Music Theme

Posted by topijrami On January – 6th – 2011

Nokia N97 and 5800 Xpress Music Theme


Style XP - Costumize Your XP Appearance

Style XP does not skinning engine. Microsoft uses the built-in visual style engine, but it increases the supply of many useful tools. Style XP can import, select, rotate and manage those visual styles, wallpapers, and applications.

Future versions may support sounds, cursors, wallpapers, as well as packages of the above. How does it work? Instead of lines and gradients, XP user interface natively supports the use of checks for skin Bitmap (visual styles).

This is Microsoft's own innovation. Style XP includes its own visual styles.

Support for Win XP SP2

Make sure that a backup of your system before you try this application!
Here are some key features of "Style XP":

Zero-footprint operation
Choose the style of XP on a system tray to facilitate management and selection of new styles, or turn Style XP with no trace of the operation. No additional memory can be used, if they so wish.

Style XP skins are zero-footprint, as they are the same style of Visual source, XP. XP Visual Style engine load and display our "Start" button with the exact code is loaded and the infamous Green Start Button on the original blue, olive green, silver and leather.
This is a report on the patch for XP Visual Style engine. Style XP does not use SetWindowsHookEx, which is much slower system performance. Similarly, the hook "Appearance" tab "Display Properties property sheet.

The availability and high-resolution capabilities
Does your monitor's 1600x1200 act? What is 2048 x 1536? Perhaps you have a new LCD.
In these thin pixel resolution screen can display more than 100 dots per inch. Style Builder to create skins that the greatest support from the Department of Public Information to ensure that the resolution window controls easier to see.
Because the style of XP skins are native fonts styles, this feature is useful XP is in its original form and the family.

Application Compatibility
Our native design allows use of thousands of hours of work a user interface with the Microsoft group for application compatibility. There is no list of incompatible applications to follow.

Font Size
As in the original Microsoft blue, olive green, silver and visual styles, style and style Builder XP skins supports three sizes source Normally, large and huge.
These larger font sizes are important because they are considered elderly and impaired.

Easy Installation
The new style of XP takes minutes to download and install the second. There is no need to reboot.


3 Response to 'Style XP - Costumize Your XP Appearance'

  1. Anonymous Said,'> October 23, 2008 5:48 PM

    Thank you for the complete info Fariz


  2. Anonymous Said,'> October 27, 2008 3:32 PM

    it's better and saver using this application than any other desktop mods like shell pack.

    nice post :)


  3. Subagya Said,'> November 08, 2008 11:53 PM

    i've try it in my old computer and the result is many bugs wekekekekek... well i'm uninstall it


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